Student Life

University Safety - Parking and Ticket Information

Clark Computer Center

Parking Regulations and Procedures

The following regulations and procedures are necessary for safety, traffic order and protection on the campus. 大学可在任何时候因正当理由取消任何人的校园车辆特权. 学校支持并执行校园、地方和州的车辆法规.

With reasonable belief of a crime or policy violation, officers may search any vehicle belonging to students and employees. A refusal to cooperate, may result in disciplinary action.


  • MOTOR VEHICLES include automobiles, 卡车, motorcycles, motor scooters, mopeds, golf carts, snowmobiles and other motor-powered vehicles.
  • STUDENTS include ALL persons enrolled in courses, including online courses, regardless of place of residence. 为本校兼职的学生须遵守学生规定.
  • FACULTY AND STAFF refers to all regular employees of the University.
  • 访问OR refers to any person other than faculty, staff or student.
  • 拖拽是指将车辆从大学财产转移到校外设施.
  • BOOTING是指使用车辆防盗器来防止车辆被移动.

Vehicle Registration Requirements

Any member of the faculty, 受雇于十大网赌正规网址或就读于十大网赌正规网址的员工或学生团体必须对机动车辆进行登记,并获得并出示有效的登记许可证. Motor vehicles are registered online. 车辆必须按照车辆登记所在州的要求投保最低责任保险.

教职员工在开始工作时必须登记机动车辆并取得员工证, or upon change of a motor vehicle.

学生的机动车辆必须注册,这是常规注册程序的一部分, or when the vehicle is brought to campus. 车辆经营人有责任确保车辆已登记.

绿色 & Red Parking

All students, 在校园停车的教职员工必须在车窗上贴上绿色或红色的贴纸. All parking areas will have corresponding green or red signs. Vehicles with red decals park in Red Lots. Vehicles with green decals park in 绿色 Lots. 绿地是为游客、通勤学生和教职员工提供的. Red Lots are for resident students only. Vehicles with red decals parked in 绿色 Lots will be ticketed, 有绿色标志的车辆停在红色停车场也将被罚款. Vehicles parked overnight in 绿色 Lots will be ticketed, because full access to 绿色 Lots is needed for maintenance, cleaning and snow removal in the early hours of the morning. 过夜游客可通过校园安全中心申请停车许可证. The 绿色 & Red Parking Map and parking information are available 在这里.


Defective decals must be replaced immediately. 如果贴花的可识别部分被更换,则不收费.

Expired decals should be removed.

Removal of a decal from the vehicle is required upon:

  1. Change of ownership of vehicle (privileges are not transferable.)
  2. Termination of association with the University.

General Vehicle Regulations

  1. Indiana State laws governing the movement, 机动车辆不得在大学物业内使用及停泊.
  2. 大学内所有车辆的最高时速限制为每小时15英里, including golf carts and bicycles, as well as all motorized vehicles; town streets could be posted differently.
  3. Pedestrians have the right-of-way at all times.
  4. Motorbikes, mopeds, 摩托车、摩托车应当在正常持牌车辆通行的街道上行驶, not on pedestrian walkways.
  5. 私人拥有和未经授权的高尔夫球车和/或其他未经许可的车辆不允许进入大学财产.
  6. 大学物业内的机动车辆只可停放在专门为该目的而设计的区域内. 不允许在人行道、院子或草地上停车或开车.
  7. Parking is prohibited at all loading and service docks and zones, fire lanes, entrances to buildings, and at any location w在这里 curbs or pavement are painted yellow.
  8. 寻找合法停车位的责任落在机动车经营者身上.
  9. 登记车辆的人对涉及该车辆的违法行为负责, even when driven by other persons.
  10. 严禁在宿舍和其他校园建筑附近的消防车道停车,对人身和财产构成威胁. 允许在短时间内使用消防通道装卸货物, 在此期间,驾驶员必须在车辆旁并打开危险灯. 违反这一规定可能导致拖拽和撤销校园车辆的特权.
  11. Residence halls have designated loading zones, marked by signs, 允许司机在装卸货物时,每隔10分钟让车辆无人看管.
  12. 休闲越野车,如雪地车、沙丘车、越野自行车、轻便摩托车等.,不允许在校园里,也不允许在Koinonia环境静修中心.
  13. 校园内的一些停车场被指定为专用停车场,并标有“残疾人”字样,” “Visitor” or “Reserved” parking.
  14. Visitors may park overnight in designated parking areas, 但须向校园安全办事处申领许可证,并妥善展示.



All citations must be paid online using a valid credit/debit card. 未在(10)天内支付的未支付的引用可能会导致您的车辆被引导和/或拖走,如果您的车辆在十大网赌正规网址的财产中被发现, and/or a registration hold for future classes. Citations must be paid by visiting the following URL:

在一个学年内违反七次或以上的违规行为将导致该人员被要求与大学安全主任就如何纠正停车问题进行交谈. 如果该人员未按要求和/或在第八次违规及以后的违规行为发布后,将在没有警告的情况下被开除. 屡次违规者将面临在本学年剩余时间内失去校园停车特权的风险, and booting/towing of their vehicle(s) when parked on campus. 警察只有在收到缴清警靴费的证明以及所有未缴的罚单后,才会从车辆上取下警靴.

在发出第五次警告/传票后,未登记车辆将被启动. 只有在收到未付罚单的支付证明以及获得放置在车辆上的有效大学徽章的证明后,管理人员才会从未注册的车辆上取下靴子.

伪造信息以获取注册许可将导致在该学年剩余时间内取消校园停车特权, 以及通过学生行为审查系统提出的“不诚实”指控.

Check our map for detailed parking information.